
On this page you find an overview of WolfAdmin's features and how to use them.

Table of contents
  1. Installation modes added in 1.2.0
  2. Access control lists standalone added in 1.2.0
  3. Commands
    1. Chat
      1. Information commands
      2. Player commands
      3. Team commands
      4. Match commands
      5. Voting commands
      6. Bot commands
      7. Server commands
    2. Console
    3. Server
  4. Voting
    1. New options
    2. Restrictions
    3. Menu

Support & bugs

In case you run into trouble and need support for WolfAdmin, check out the Discord channel dedicated to WolfAdmin on the ET: Legacy Discord. You may also contact me via mail or via one of the communities where I usually hang around.

For bug reports or feature requests, please use the bug tracker.

Installation modes changed in 1.2.0

WolfAdmin can be installed both as a standalone game manager (default with ET: Legacy) as well as being an add-on to existing mod functionality (such as ETPub or NoQuarter).

When used as a standalone game manager, WolfAdmin will take care of all your needs as an administrator. It provides you with fine-grained acccess control for players and administrators, as well as many different settings to enable or disable features.

Older modifications already have an administration system in place, called shrubbot. This system can be disabled if you want to make use of all of WolfAdmin's features. To do so, check the relevant section on the setup page. If you want to run WolfAdmin alongside shrubbot, you do not have to change any configuration at all, since the module is able to detect this automatically.

Because some functionality is only available in standalone mode (and some only in add-on mode), blue labels are added in the documentation for the sake of readability. standalone and add-on denote functionality that is available in standalone mode and add-on mode, respectively.

Access control lists standalone added in 1.2.0

WolfAdmin comes with its own authorization system. Rather than editing a configuration file, all levels and administrators are stored in a database in so-called access control lists (ACLs). Each command or feature is associated to a permission (e.g. !help requires the permission help) rather than a shrubbot flag. ACLs are basically feature permissions grouped together in a list (level).

Anyone with access to the acl command is able to read and modify the ACLs that are available on a server, for example to create new permissions (for custom features) or to add/remove permissions from a certain level.

For more information on configuring ACLs, see the relevant section on the configuration page.


To control most of WolfAdmin's features on the fly, you can execute commands in-game or from the server. Below you can find a list of default commands. Server owners are also able to install more commands written in Lua.

Client console

The following commands can only be executed through a client's console.

display information about WolfAdmin
syntax: /about
flag: (none)

/pm or /m legacy added in 1.2.0
write someone a private message
syntax: /pm [name|slot #] [message]
flag: (none)

/r added in 1.0.1
reply to a private message
syntax: /r [message]
flag: (none)

/adminchat or /ac
send a message to all admins online (players who can use admin chat)
syntax: /adminchat [message]
flag: ~


The following commands can be executed in the chat or through a client's console, using /!command syntax. Note that for the latter to work, you may need additional permissions granted by server administrators.

Information commands

display commands available to you or help on a specific command
syntax: !help (command)
flag: h
permission: help

!admintest standalone
display your current admin level
syntax: !admintest
flag: a
permission: admintest

display your personal greeting, if you have one
syntax: !greeting
flag: Q
permission: greeting

display the rules on the server
syntax: !rules (rule)
flag: C
permission: listrules

display the statistics for a specific player
syntax: !stats [name|slot #]
flag: I
permission: liststats

display the current spree records
syntax: !sprees
flag: I
permission: listsprees

display the maps in the rotation
syntax: !listmaps
flag: I
permission: listmaps

displays the local time
syntax: !time
flag: C
permission: time

Player commands

!listplayers standalone
display a list of connected players, their slot numbers as well as their admin levels
syntax: !listplayers
flag: i
permission: listplayers

!finger standalone
gives specific information about a player
syntax: !finger [name|slot #]
flag: f
permission: finger

display all known aliases for a player
syntax: !listaliases [name|slot #] (offset)
flag: e etpub f nq
permission: listaliases

!listlevels removed in 1.2.0
list a player's level history
syntax: !listlevels [name|slot #] (offset)
flag: s

!showwarns removed in 1.2.0
display warnings for a specific player
syntax: !showwarns [name|slot #] (offset)
flag: R

!showhistory added in 1.2.0
display history for a specific player
syntax: !showhistory [name|slot #] (offset)
flag: f
permission: listhistory

!dewarn removed 1.2.0
remove a warning for a certain player
syntax: !dewarn [name|slot #] [warn #]
flag: R

!showbans standalone
display a (partial) list of active bans
syntax: !showbans (start at ban#) ((banner) (banner's name)) ((find) (banned player)) ((reason) (reason for ban))
flag: B
permission: listbans

!warn standalone
warns a player by displaying the reason
syntax: !warn [name|slot #] (reason)
flag: R
permission: warn

!put standalone
move a player to a specified team
syntax: !put [name|slot #] [r|b|s]
flag: p
permission: put

!mute standalone
mutes a player (text and voice chat)
syntax: !mute [name|slot #]
flag: m
permission: mute

!unmute standalone
unmutes a player (text and voice chat)
syntax: !unmute [name|slot #]
flag: m
permission: mute

mutes a player (voice chat only)
syntax: !vmute [name|slot #]
flag: m
permission: voicemute

unmutes a player (voice chat only)
syntax: !vunmute [name|slot #]
flag: m
permission: voicemute

locks a player to a specific team
syntax: !plock [name|slot #]
flag: K
permission: lockplayer

unlocks a player
syntax: !punlock [name|slot #]
flag: K
permission: lockplayer

!kick standalone
kick a player with an optional reason
syntax: !kick [name|slot#] (reason)
flag: k
permission: kick

!ban standalone
ban a player with an optional duration and reason
syntax: !ban [name|slot#] (duration) (reason)
flag: b
permission: ban

!unban standalone
unbans a player specified ban number as seen in !showbans
syntax: !unban [ban#]
flag: b
permission: ban

!slap standalone
give a player a specified amount of damage for a specified reason
syntax: !slap [name|slot#] (damage) (reason)
flag: A
permission: slap

!gib standalone
instantly gibs a player
syntax: !gib [name|slot#]
flag: g
permission: gib

!setlevel standalone
sets the admin level of a player
syntax: !setlevel [name|slot#] [level]
flag: s
permission: setlevel

fakes your level to guest (no aka)
syntax: !incognito
flag: s
permission: setlevel

Team commands

!balance legacy noquarter silent
either asks the players to even up or evens them by moving or shuffling players
syntax: !balance (enable|disable|force) added in 1.1.0
syntax: !balance (force) 1.0.0-1.1.0
flag: p
permission: balance

!lock standalone
lock one or all of the teams from players joining
syntax: !lock [r|b|s|all]
flag: L
permission: lockteam

!unlock standalone
unlock one or all locked teams
syntax: !unlock [r|b|s|all]
flag: L
permission: lockteam

!shuffle standalone
shuffle the teams by XP to try and even them
syntax: !shuffle
flag: S
permission: shuffle

!shufflesr standalone legacy
shuffle the teams by Skill Rating to try and even them
syntax: !shufflesr
flag: S
permission: shuffle

!spec999 standalone
moves 999 pingers to the spectator team
syntax: !spec999
flag: P
permission: spec999

!swap standalone
swap teams
syntax: !swap
flag: w
permission: swap

Match commands

!cointoss standalone
flips a coin
syntax: !cointoss
flag: q
permission: cointoss

!nextmap standalone
loads the next map
syntax: !nextmap
flag: n
permission: nextmap

!pause standalone
pauses the game for all players
syntax: !pause
flag: Z
permission: pause

!unpause standalone
unpauses the game for all players
syntax: !unpause
flag: Z
permission: pause

!reset standalone
resets the current match
syntax: !reset
flag: r
permission: restart

!restart standalone
restarts the current map
syntax: !restart
flag: r
permission: restart

Voting commands

enables next map voting
syntax: !enablevote
flag: c
permission: enablevote

Bot commands

adds bots to the game
syntax: !needbots
flag: O
permission: botadmin

kicks all bots from the game
syntax: !kickbots
flag: O
permission: botadmin

puts all bots into a specific team
syntax: !putbots [r|b|s]
flag: p
permission: botadmin

Server commands

!readconfig standalone
reloads the config file
syntax: !readconfig
flag: G
permission: readconfig

!listlevels removed in 1.2.0
display all levels on the server
syntax: !listlevels
flag: s

resets the spree records of the current map, or all maps if desired
syntax: !resetsprees (all) added in 1.0.1
syntax: !resetsprees 1.0.0-1.0.1
flag: G
permission: readconfig

Server console

These commands can be executed on the server's console or through a remote console (RCON) connection.

acl standalone added in 1.2.0
modify the access control lists on the server, see the relevant section on the configuration page for more details.
syntax: acl [action]


WolfAdmin provides you with a new set of voting options. This allows players to adjust the game's settings, for example when there are no administrators online.

New options

/callvote poll enable bots
enable bots on the server

/callvote poll disable bots
disable bots on the server

/callvote poll put bots [axis|allies]
put bots to the selected team

/callvote poll set bot difficulty [poorest|very poor|poor|easy frag|standard|professional|uber] added in 1.2.0
/callvote poll set bot difficulty [normal|hard|epic] 1.0.0-1.1.x
set the difficulty of the bots


It is now possible to restrict votes to a certain group of players. Only players who have the % flag will be allowed to call the votes specified in g_restrictedVotes. Currently it is only possible to restrict the default voting options - the above options by WolfAdmin are not yet supported.


Together with WolfAdmin comes a custom menu for the newly added voting options. This is provided via the wolfadmin.pk3. However, if your server already has such a menu, it may not work. To fix this, please add the following line in your own menu (in /ui/menus.txt):

// WolfAdmin
loadMenu { "ui/ingame_vote_wolfadmin.menu")