WolfAdmin: develop/1.2.0 de27a417

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
Timo Timo develop/1.2.0 2018-02-16 13:20 develop/1.2.0 6a3459d9
Affected Issues  0000046: Support other mods
 0000062: Provide basic admin commands
 0000069: Provide alternative to shrubbot
Changeset Fixed shrubbot flags for other mods (refs 0000046, 0000069, 0000062)

* changed !greeting flag from 'Q' to 'j' to maintain consistency across mods
* changed !cointoss flag to 'Z' so we do not take up another flag
* moved flags to separate files for each mod that includes shrubbot, autoloads on game init
mod - luamods/wolfadmin/auth/auth.lua Diff File
mod - luamods/wolfadmin/auth/shrubbot.lua Diff File
add - luamods/wolfadmin/auth/shrubbot/etpub.lua Diff File
add - luamods/wolfadmin/auth/shrubbot/nq.lua Diff File
add - luamods/wolfadmin/auth/shrubbot/silent.lua Diff File